Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Timber Floor - Finished! (well, the first bit anyway)

I finished it!  I was so happy with the Cabot's Water Based Sealer.  Even though it was raining hard outside, it still dried really quickly.  After 30min, Molly could walk on it without marking (she stayed off the final coat), and after 3 hours I could put a little piece of cardboard on it to use as a stepping stone. 16 hours later I put a cloth over it so I could walk over without socks.

I saw a Cabots vid on youtube where the man said after 24 hours you can put furniture back on, but on the tin it says 72 hours, so I'm waiting the 3 days before I take the cloth off, just to be sure.

It's very hard to get a photo that does it justice, but I love the satin finish, especially with the comparatively rough job I did.  It's rustic, baby!  I can say that the rough edges were deliberate to give it an aged feel.  :)

Next will be the kitchen, but I need a break for a bit first.  My knees feel a bit damaged and my arms and shoulders are still aching.  Plus, I need to wait for a friend to come and help me move the fridge.

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