Friday, 20 February 2015


I've been working through the main bedroom, clearing it out, redesigning as I go.  It was my Mum's old bedroom, but she passed away a few years ago and bit by bit I'm slowly reclaiming it to be part of my house now.

There is an old wardrobe in there, which I thought was pretty awful.  It's so dark and dominated the whole room.

I was fully prepared to get rid of it and replace it with the clothes rack from my current bedroom, but then thought ... why not paint it?  I don't mind the shape, it's only that it looks shabby and dark and perhaps that can be fixed with a bit of work?

These are the old handles - plastic I'm afraid.  I'll hang onto them for now, but I suspect they're going to have to go.  I can only handle so much vintage!

So here it is again, primed and ready to paint.

It's true that I'm painting it in situ - the main reason being that it weighs a tonne and would take some serious effort to move.  And I can't really think of a good reason to do that seeing as it's going to come right back to the same place.

The question is now ... what colour?  I was going to go with white to keep the room nice and light.  But perhaps an accent colour down the center?  I saw this pic on the Ikea website and I've surprised myself by really liking that green.

Hmm.  I definitely need to think about it some more before committing.  :)

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