Monday, 2 June 2014

Shower Door Stirrings

I've been having some radical ideas for a shower screen door.  Seeing as installling a glass one would be upward of $1000, I've been trying hard to think outside the box and, at last, I'm on to a plan.  It involves polycarbonate roof sheeting and an old broken outdoor table dug up out of my backyard.

I've started by salvaging 3 planks of jarrah from the remains of the table and here's what they look like fresh from the backyard.

 And here's Molly photo-bombing...

So let the sanding begin!  (Good practice for the floorboards.)


And here they are again - now cut, sanded and primed, ready for a nice high gloss white paint.

I had no idea that old jarrah would be so hard to sand!  Even 60 grit paper on an electric sander barely made a dent.  I think when it's time to do the floorboards, my right arm is going to grow to twice the size of my left.

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